A Christian Message for Scottish Young People
and anyone else who cares (or dares) to read it
及 给任何关注(或敢于)阅读的人
Thank you for visiting this site. As you read through it be assured that we, as Christians, care about you and want the best for you.
You are indeed special.
Some of the stuff written here may sound a bit like a lecture but it isn’t at all. It’s a challenge to get you thinking about the t
hings that really matter.
感谢你浏览本网站, 当你读完本网站内容后, 会明白我们基督徒很关心你, 希望你成为最好的自己, 因为每个人都是独一无二的。
这里写的一些东西看起来有点像讲课, 然而完全不是那样子的, 真正目的是让你有一个自我挑战的机会 - -
思考什么是你人生中真正要紧的事。 ___________________________________________
There’s a lot of drifting going on nowadays and some young people end up where they didn’t really intend to go - on the rocks.
Please don’t do that. Set a sure course for a sure destination and check out your life’s journey with the one who knows best. - Your Heavenly Father.
当今有很多人在无目的状态中漂移, 某些年轻人最终漂到了他们绝不想去的地方 – 礁石。
请不要这样去触礁。当你知道哪里才是你人生目的地, 请务必与最了解你的人, 谨慎地一起走这人生旅程.
We want to reach people and help them to understand the positive Christian Message which not only produces a happy, healthy, safe and
certain lifestyle but is also, in the experience and reasoned understanding of committed Christians, the TRUTH.
我们希望接触到更多人们, 并帮助他们去理解积极的基督教信息, 这不仅仅限于产生一种快乐、健康、
安全和特定的生活方式; 而是在坚定信仰基督徒的经验和理性领悟中,这是真理。
Historically Scotland’s wholesome values, worthy laws and stable society traditions were all shaped by Christian truths. It is important that
we acknowledge these truths.
There is much madness in our modern society. Reckless chaotic living produced by unfettered lifestyle philosophy is now commonplace in
the streets and homes of our land.
从历史角度看看苏格兰的健全价值观、贤达的法律, 和稳定的社会传统都是由基督教真理中塑造得来。我们必须承认真理的真确性。
现代社会有很多疯狂事情, 司空见惯。那些不受约束的生活哲学, 在我们地土的街道上和家庭中产生了鲁莽混乱。
"Within the human makeup there is a pre-existent disposition to gain momentarily pleasurable release or relief.
This involves throwing off restraint and replacing it with a self-granting of uninhibited abandon to base spontaneous desires.
Driven by these inner unrestrained feelings spontaneous acts of self-gratification take place with a closed mind to their consequences."
“人类的天性倾向 -- 以优先取得短暂愉快的释放或解脱为要。这包括摒弃了自我克制,取而代之是不羁放纵、
随己心意的自我放弃。 在这些内在不受约束的感觉驱动下,后果只会以封闭的心态自我满足。”
All of the above to say that, (using an old fashioned word,) “SIN” is nowadays looked on as fun and not only permissible but expected.
综合上述说法(老生常谈) - 现在“罪”被看成了笑柄,不仅是普遍地容许接受,有罪更是人生意料中事。
Pause and Think:(REF: Sin)
停下来想想: (参考 : 罪)
SIN (i.e. the giving in to the selfish urges which we have been talking about above) can (if truth be told) make you feel good
for a moment but (if truth be told) can wreck your whole life in less than a day.
罪( 意思 - 我们屈服于上面所说自私的欲望)可以(告诉你真相)暂时让你感觉良好,
却可以在不到一天的时间内, 完全毁掉你的一生! (告诉你真相)
Pause and Think: (REF: Results of Sin)
停下来想想: (参考 : 犯罪的后果)
Within the last generation there has been a monumental shift in the way young people think and live.
Young people are now free from the censorship which institutions claimed was for their own good. Many now feed there minds and souls
on unfettered lyrics drummed home by strong beat and rhythm.
近代年轻人的思想和生活方式已经发生了巨大的转变。 年轻人想要摆脱自我审查制度的束缚,
声称无束缚是为了自己的最佳利益; 甚至高举不受约束的歌词来喂养心灵,强烈的节拍和节奏感有如击鼓奏乐, 走入家家户户。__
The language and aggression of these unrestrained role models has no commercial currency in mild-mannered gentle presentations
but taps into the excitement of basic human instincts for the forbidden described at the start of this message. It successfully enlists
young people to be aggressive and self-defending, anger ignited, rebellion encouraged and passion enflamed to get what they want in this life.
尽管不受约束的思想並没有特殊商业价值,但这些言词及无拘无束角色表达, 是利用了人类自我悦纳的本能,
成功招募了年轻人自我保护、愤世嫉俗、反叛和对世情消退的关切 , 只想获得他们想要的生活。__
Life itself is often devalued. It is not “cool” to believe in God so life is by some modern definitions “godless”.
This makes lots of money for the pop moguls but at whose expense?
“Are you being conned out of the life that God, who created you, wants for you?
生活意义经常被贬低 。 相信上帝一点都不 “酷”,“无神论” 反成为现代生活的主流。
流行音乐大亨赚个盘满钵溢,但是谁付了费 ?
“创天做地的上帝赐予你生命, 你困扰的生活上帝是蒙骗了你吗 ?” __
We as Christians would like young people to think through the claims of Christ the Saviour
as the Revelation of God and the real role model for the life you were meant to have.
We encourage you to stop and think seriously.
作为基督徒希望年轻人能够宣告耶稣基督救主的名, 认真思考上帝的启示,以及什么是你应有的生活行为榜样。
我们鼓励你, 停下来认真思考。
Pause and Think:(REF:WHO IS CHRIST?) .
停下来想想: (参考 : 谁是基督?)
The pace of young people giving up God has been fuelled by the change towards Scottish institutional multi-cultural accommodation.
Not so long ago governments and schools would pray in the name of Jesus and linked to the church as a Christian Nation. Nowadays
they are careful not to offend and so adopt no observable set belief preference stance. This sends mixed messages about “FAITH.”
苏格兰社会制度容纳了多元文化, 竟然是推动年轻人放弃上帝的助燃料。不久之前,
政府和学校仍然以耶稣的名义祈祷,并将教会与基督教国家联系起来。如今, 他们小心翼翼地不要冒犯不同宗教,
采取不预设的信仰偏好立场, 这反而发送了错杂的“信仰”信息。
Young people see through patronising words and stances and read between the lines and assume that religion is outdated.
Young people don’t always see the institutional moulds which heads of institutions press themselves into to progress their careers.
当年轻人阅读宗教文章, 看到字里行间百般摆派头的文字和态度, 认为有宗教信仰已经过时了。
年轻人并不想看到宗教领袖为了提升个人的职场地位, 陈腔滥调的宣扬宗教。_
What is being said here is that Scotland has lost the clear simple Christian Message which was obvious and cohesive e.g.
during the war when the nation was called to days of Christian Prayer. Modern Scotland has created a vacuum giving no clear faith
message to the youth of today. There is no declaration as to what is truth.
这里所说的是, 苏格兰已经失去了明显而有凝聚力的明确基督教信息。回顾一个例子: 在战争期间,
政府会召集民众一起进行基督教祈祷日。 可惜现今苏格兰没有给年轻人明确的信仰信息, 造成了一个真空状态,
Institutions are made out of people and every individual has now to be self-motivated to find the truth for themselves but often they are
too busy or are misled to think that it is not really important. Because schools now teach them about lots of religions many young people
assume they are all the same and it is too confusing or irrelevant.
No national lead is given by the government so again it is assumed that it can’t be important. In modern Scotland young people are under
unprecedented contemporary pressure. This is usually divorced from any input from the older generation.
制度是由人组成的,现在每个人都有自我激励能力去为自己找到真相,但是往往他们太忙碌或被误导, 认为真相不重要。
一样的,而且太混乱, 或是无关重要。政府没有给予领导班子指令,所以民众再次认为宗教不重要。在现代苏格兰,
已经脱离了上一代的思路, 年轻人受到前所未有的时代压力。
Modern technology allows the profusion of peer group norms at breakneck speed.
Young people are being told by their contemporaries, the media and society modellers what they are to think and wear and how they are to behave.
The pressure to conform is immediate and immense. Texting, instant messaging and twittering are not only compulsive and addictive but they
also take on a group mind and a spirit of their own.
现代高科技以多模式允许民众以极快的速度与伙伴们沟通。年轻人被伙伴们、社会角色榜样影响, 和多种媒体氛围之下,
顺应潮流的压力是立竿见影 , 俯拾皆是 - - 短信、即时通讯和聊天应用程序多不胜数, 不仅需要立即回复的强迫性,
更令人上瘾, 具有集体沟通和共同思维。
It is understandable that many young people don’t want left out of the flow and so they often adapt to the social pressures without thinking through what is happening to them.
This adaptation is facilitated speedily and secretly.
Access to "forbidden fruit" has never been so easy.
可以理解许多年轻人不希望被排除在时代潮流之外,努力适应迅速的社会步伐, 而无暇考虑压力正快速增长。
We ask you “Are you being robbed?
Do you think self gratifying lifestyles with their immoral acts really satisfy?” They may excite but they do not deeply satisfy.
Many young people nowadays have expensive things and expensive experiences including early experiences at the extremity of life’s
sensual pleasures but they lack peace in their inner selves.
They are left impatient, frustrated and confused. Peace is missing.
Peace in the inner being is a spiritual thing.
我想问你 -- “你有没有被抢劫了的感觉?”
如今许多年轻人都有昂贵的东西, 更可能是昂贵的经历,包括极端不愉快的生活体验,常常不耐烦、沮丧和困惑,
Pause and Think:(REF: INNER PEACE)
停下来想想: (参考 : 内心平安)
1) Consider there is a God. We would not be trying to reach you with this truth if there was dubiety in out minds about it.
The miracle of existence and the stage of the universe set to allow our existence glorifies God’s existence.
We care because we have experienced God in our lives and would like you to experience Him too.
1)想想有一位上帝。 如果对此没有疑惑,我们就不试图用这真理与你沟通, 宇宙的存在和运行状态已经奇迹般显示于眼前,
我们非常关心你, 是因为我们确实在生活中经历了上帝, 并希望你也能夠经历到祂。
Pause and Think: (REF: Belief in God)
停下来想想: (参考 : 对上帝的信仰)
There is some shallow thinking going on with many young people.
Statements roll of the tongues of many young people saying things like: “Scientists have proven that there is no God” and
“We evolved from apes, we were not created.”
These statements are not genuine factual reasons for not believing in God and the truth is many scientists believe deeply in God with some
actually becoming convinced as a result of their scientific work.
很多年轻人都有一些肤浅的的想法, 有些声明说:“科学家已经证明没有上帝” 和 “我们是从猿进化而来的, 人类没有被创造出来。”
这些陈述只是不愿意去相信上帝的真实存在,许多科学家都确实深信上帝的存在,一些更是从他们的科学研究工作中, 而被深深说服。
Pause and Think: (REF: Science and Faith)
停下来想想: (参考 : 科学与信仰)
The theory of Evolution is in reality a red herring and does not answer basic questions about why matter exists and life formed to
an amazing interdependent complexity. Deeper thinking about this theory throws up the true incredibility surrounding a belief in a
non-intelligent directed existence within a world and universe set to accommodate life.
进化论实际上是一条红鲱鱼,并没有回答关于基本问题 - - 为什么物质存在和生命形成是那么惊人的互相依赖复杂难题。
若对这理论深入思考, 将引发出围绕着难以置信的信念,即在世界和宇宙中存在着非人类能理解的定向体系, 用途是被用来容纳生命。
Pause and Think: (REF: Evolution and Faith )
停下来想想: (参考 : 进化与信仰)
2) Consider there is a way God wants you to live and has made a door of access to it for you. The truth is that the Christian life is the
most exciting and most fulfilling life there is. Christians are the happiest people on earth because they have been forgiven and reconnected to
God. It is better felt than told.
基督徒是世上最幸福快乐的人,因为他们已经被宽恕, 并重新与上帝联系。亲自感觉总比知听人说的更好。
Pause and Think: (REF: The Way of Salvation)
停下来想想: (参考 : 拯救的方式)
3) Consider that God has indeed left a record of truth and direction for us.
The Bible today is a much neglected book but in reality it is a unique book with uncanny predictions which were fulfilled to the letter.
It is not blind faith that encourages Christians to fully accept it as the word of God. It works and it rings true. Some wise guy once said “If all else
fails read the instructions”. We would encourage you to take a fresh look at the Bible.
今天的《圣经》是一本被忽视的书籍,但事实上, 它是一本独一无二的书,有着离奇的预言,这些预言都得以实现。
有个聪明人曾经说过:“如果看不懂其他的人生指引书籍, 我们鼓励你重新阅读圣经。”
Pause and Think: (REF: THE BIBLE)
停下来想想: (参考 : 圣经 )
4) Lastly consider that death is not the end. Most of us have attended funerals and may have sat through religious services with
big questions in our minds. How is it that Christians have a hope beyond the grave and are convinced about this? Knowing the truth of the
Bible with Christ’s promises and having a real Christian experience has settled this question for millions of Christians around the world.
It can also settle this ultimate question for you.
4)最后想想死亡并不是终点。大多数人都参加过葬礼,可能會在宗教仪式坐着時脑子里有很多大问题 - -
Pause and Think: (REF: After you die?)
停下来想想: (参考 : 死了以后? )
It is time to rebel against the evils of this modern world and its pressure on you to conform. Time to get real with God?
Have you got what it takes to stand up and be counted for God? You won’t be a worse friend you will be a better person for your self,
your friends and your family.
Take the leap today and find out more.
现在是时候向这个邪恶的世界, 和, 对你施加遵守现代多种压力提出反抗了。是时候向上帝求真了吗?
你有没有依靠上帝站立起来 ?你不会成为一个更坏的朋友; 为了你自己,你的朋友和你的家人,你只会成为一个更好的人!